June 14, 2006

Top 50 SEO Resources

Top 50 SEO Resources: "The sheer number of resources available on search engine optimization can be overwhelming. There are a ton of sites, tools, and conferences to choose from and it can be confusing and somewhat scary. I've compiled a list of good, credible resources here in order to steer you in the right direction and so you don't end up getting some bad advice. Information These are sites that have general information on search engine optimization and search engines. They offer news, information, and search engine optimization tips. Search Engine Watch Marketing Terms - This dictionary will help you understand all of the search engine terms you come across. Search Engine Relationship Chart - This chart shows you which search engines are connected to each other so you know what search engines to submit your site to and optimize for. Search Engines - Tips on search engine optimization and promotion. Google SEO Guidelines - Google's brief information on search engine optimization. SEO Beginners Guide - Rand Fishkin writes a detailed guide on search engine optimization for beginners. It is a long read, but well worth "

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