August 02, 2006

Contextual Advertising as a Part of Your Home Business

Contextual Advertising as a Part of Your Home Business
Copyright 2006

If you are running an online home business, you probably
realized early in the process that automated means of
generating passive income are a great way to keep yourself
highly profitable. Having one or more plans “running in
the background” and earning every single day gives you the
time to build other projects or to decrease your daily

One of the most celebrated systems of achieving those goals
is Google’s Adsense program. Other contextual advertising
plans have also emerged as a means to profit online. The
basic strategy is simple. You run spots from participating
advertisers. Every time someone visits your site and
clicks on one of those ads, you get paid. The value of
individual clicks is determined by market forces in an
auction environment where advertisers bid for locations
related to specifically chosen keywords.

Contextual advertising has revolutionized the net by
providing every site owner with an opportunity to profit
from his or her efforts. However, along with all of the
excitement and interest, a great deal of hype and myths
about success with Adsense have emerged.

One camp will tell you that Adsense if a fine way to make a
dollar here and there. Another group will proclaim that it
is a path that leads to sure riches. Who’s really telling
the truth?

Honestly, both groups are. Adsense can be nothing more
than a “penny a day” proposition for some people. Others
receive monthly checks for tens of thousands of dollars on
a monthly basis. The amount of income derived from
participation in contextual advertising is determined by
the strategy one uses to approach the opportunity.

If you just want to get an account, slap a few blocks of
ads onto your site and let Adsense “do its thing,” you are
unlikely to see substantial profits. If, however, you
approach the opportunity using a professional, tested
strategy featuring quality automation tools, they sky may
very well be the limit.

When I mentor new home based business owners, I recommend
Adsense and similar programs as a route to healthy passive
profits. However, I recommend that they utilize a smart
and proven system if they want to make contextual
advertising a meaningful part of their operation.

Don’t believe the naysayer who don’t believe Adsense can
generate more than a few cents every week. At the same
time, be wary of anyone who tells you that thousands of
dollars of earnings are available with overly simplistic
solutions. If you want to add another profitable component
to your home based business plan, invest in the tools and
education that will allow you to really earn with
contextual advertising.

Elias Georgi makes it easy to build your home based
business and earn a substantial income. Learn how to
increase your income in the comfort of you own home with
minimal effort by visiting:

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